Edinburgh Food Project

  • About Edinburgh Food Project

    Edinburgh Food Project are an independent charity (SC043220) and were established in 2012 to provide an emergency food provision. They now also work to break the cycle of food poverty through our More Than Food (MTF) programme.

    Their charitable objects are the prevention or relief of poverty in Edinburgh and surrounding areas through the provision of emergency food supplies and other aligned activities, and the advancement of citizenship and community development through volunteering.

    Since 2017, Edinburgh Food Project have expanded their focus from the provision of emergency food supplies to implementing a ‘foodbank plus’ model by developing our foodbank centres in to ‘More Than Food’ hubs. They have conducted extensive community-based research (funded by Aspiring Communities Fund Stage 1) to identify the support needs of foodbank users, map existing support, and identify key gaps. Findings from the research have shaped the development and implementation of this programme, which seeks to address the underlying causes of and help break the cycle of food poverty through the provision of appropriate advice and signposting support by partner agencies at our community-based hubs. Their goal is reduce the number of people who need the foodbank’s support, and ultimately to help reduce food poverty.

    Strategic aims are:

    To effectively collect and efficiently distribute emergency food provisions.
    To respectfully offer opportunities and solutions to help people escape poverty.
    To continuously recruit, train and support our volunteers.
    To strategically approach organisational sustainability.
    To vigorously advocate to end UK poverty.

    More information at: https://edinburghfoodproject.org/